Sunday, July 24, 2011

Cooking Tips: Zucchini

When cooking zucchini, stick with methods that will concentrate its natural flavors. Grill them in long slices and serve with a simple dipping sauce, or skewer 1" chunks with other vegetables. Deep-fry them batter-dipped or pan-fry in a light breading. For something a little different, use zucchini as an ingredient for salad by slicing very thinly or cutting into julienne. When faced with the inevitability of too much zucchini, peel, puree, and store in the freezer for up to a year for the possibility of zucchini bread all year round.--FN Calendar

1 comment:

B Porter said...

Fried zuccini is very good. It turned me on to the zuccini goodness. That and the lack of vegetables on my mission. The wife is very pleased that I became a fan.